Salute to Israel Parade, 2009
Here's my best video, or rather, my best half of a video--I have no idea how to edit these things, so just ignore the second half. If anyone knows the name of this singing group, please tell me!
Holy Moses, it takes forever to upload a video directly into Blogger. But I'm experimenting, in the hope that I'll be able to see this at the office--the 'Net Nannies there block YouTube and MySpace. [Update at the office: Bummer--All I see on my office computer screen in the above space is a blank space. Oh, well, I'll use YouTube in the future, since the IT folks seem to block Blogger videos, too.]
We forgot to check the starting time for the (supposedly) post-parade concert in Central Park, and arrived about an hour and a half late, just in time to hear Yaakov Chesed play my favorite song of theirs, Sh'ma Yisrael, a very fine arrangement, in my opinion. We also heard Pey Dalid play their Am Yisrael Chai, among other fine tunes, and HaMakor rocked the house with Abba Shimon. N.O.S.H. (Noam Segal and Josh Alpert) were neat, as were the father-and-son special, Dr. Meyer and Baruch Abittan. I knew Chaim David as a very fine composer and guitarist, and not a bad singer either, from the recordings produced by MoChassid in memory of his father, and was happy to hear him in person.
Real life intruded on the fun, sadly, when Gilad Shalit's father took the stage and expressed his hope for his son's release from captivity. May it come soon.
On a lighter note, just about literally, I was pleasantly surprised when Shloime Dachs introduced his band, which was backing up some of the singers and supplementing some of the bands, and it turned out that the trumpeter was Jordan Hirsch, a frequent blog commenter, especially on Trep's blog. Jordan, trombonist David Bogner/Trep, and bass player Mark Skier/PT are all Shlock Rock veterans, as you can see here. I was amused to see that Jordan was flipping the "yeshivish" stereotype on its head--instead of wearing a black hat, black suit, and white shirt, he was dressed in an off-white hat and suit with a dark tee-shirt. Way cool. And he plays a mean trumpet, too.
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